Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Poll Affidavits and the Public

I want to know the reason for not considering cancellation of nomination for giving a false affidavit which is given by the representatives who are all going to lead our country. I read in Yahoo News http://in.elections.yahoo.com/articles.html?feed=http://in.news.yahoo.com/43/20090406/812/tnl-nomination-cannot-be-cancelled-for-f.html regarding an Election Officer in Kolkata stating that nominations cannot be cancelled if the electoral candidate submits false affidavit.
Why this disparity amongst ourselves when the government has got all the rights to penalise any person if he or she submits false claims for obtaining any government authorised cards for example: Voters Identification card, Ration Card, Passport, Pan Card and so many things like these. I have seen in all the application forms of the above said ‘cards’ where it will be written that if the person submitting the application form is providing false details, he will be booked under the so called legal sections we have in our system. Are those government laws only for the general public or for all people irrespective of the position which he or she is holding in our country?
Seriously I would like to know from the government why they cannot treat a false affidavit as a true case for cancelling the nomination of the candidates and take legal actions against them. Giving a false detail in the affidavit amounts to fraudulent activity and cheating both the government and the public.
Is there anybody who can clear my doubts in this regard and give our country a political leader who is free from all the frauds to lead us in the future?

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